Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The Renovation of

Welcome friends! is now updated in all sections, with new contributors (including this article on marijuana curing cancer), new columns, new music, new front-page videos, and much more.

Soon, I will even have t-shirts designed by artist Phil Fung up for sale!

I will continue to update the site weekly with the most relevant news and videos.

In cleaning up the site, I had to cut some articles. I don't want to forever relegate my friends' work to the memory hole, so I will post them here:

Double Dose of Kummer
Two Bad Ass Columns - 9/6/07
By Chris Kummer

Michael Vick, Barry Bonds, and other behavioral anomalies
Sports - 8/28/07
By Max Wolson

DB (Denver Broncos)
Sports - 8/23/07
By T. Lilly

The folly of serious

By The Andrew Meyer

Thanks for staying tuned, new and exciting updates will be available weekly!


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