Saturday, January 19, 2008

Out to Lunch

I am going on blogging hiatus for a while.

In the meantime, check out, and for reliable information on the 2008 election scams.

Voter's rights are in jeopardy once again across America.
-South Carolina

No matter where it is, the same cast of characters is always being slighted.

Ron Paul, Dennis Kucinich and Mike Gravel get kicked out of debates because TV is allergic to the truth.

You can now add Barack Obama to the list of the slighted. He is the "mainstream candidate" most for change, and the theft of his NH delegates shows that even his measured, miniscule brand of change is not something the establishment is willing to accept.

They will cheat and lie and steal and go to any cost to win.

Pay attention America. Stay vigilent.

Andrew Meyer, over and out.


society culture said...

Cutting Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich out of the debates just reveals the cowardice of the major parties of the United States, and exposes US democracy for the farce that it is. The whole world knows it, even if the war-profiteering Overwhelmingly Fascist Media in the US hides it from the general populace.

Times have not really changed and humanity has not evolved, in essence, since the era of Ancient Egyptians whose governance had their populace engaged in mind-numbing rituals and ceremonies to distract them from the fact they are slaves wasting their lives, constructing pyramids for other people's glorification. I get a headache thinking about it. News anchors are just a variation of the priests of ancient Egypt, messengers hypnotizing the oppressed masses with "divinely revealed truth."

Adam Fulford

Unknown said...

you deserved to get tazed.....what do you have against america? support the troops not just your one way thinking.

i read your article from the today show, its obvious your lawyer told you how to answer the questions because you seem to be very hostile...i hope all the best for you and hope that you turn this hostility into a positive outcome....have you received any money from the t-shirts etc that have been made about you? especially from

catsjam said...

Hey Andrew go add me on

I wrote 36 New Amendments to the constitution and the CFR controlled media wont allow me anywhere on TV because I might tell people about things like Al Qaeda being a dog & pony show or false flag terrorism, energy, summoning UFOs, the FEMA camps and Gas trains.

Your in my police brutality group and I admire what a historical moment you've brewed here.

debrabmaddox said...

look deeeep into my eyes andrew= you NOW are feeling very very slepy, repeat after me,,the government would never want to hurt or mislead us,,OHNO!,LOL!

Matt said...

Andrew Meyer deserves to be saluted for being the most truthful, clear sighted, courageous, and PEACEFUL, yes peaceful in the moment (while the taser incident was unfolding.) History has proved him right, and articulate and much more.

I hope you will endeavour (Andrew) to be a vocal journalist, we need your likes whom we sorely sorely lack in our journalism copycat shops.

God bless.

Unknown said...

hi bro , welcome back on the net

Luca Chiarabini said...

Hi Andrew,

I'm here just to tell you that you are simply "great". I mean, I've seen the video on YouTube when the fascist police attacked you...I mean, its is so incredible to my eays...I think this are things that SHOULD NOT happen in could happen mybe in the fascist Italy or nazist Germany of the 1935, but not in the US of the 2008. Am I right? Anyway, the questions you made are "sacrosante" (in Italian); it means your questions were really incredible interesting and importamnts. FIRST: why Kerry did not care about all the not correct procedures during the votes? As you said many illegal things happens. Why didn't he care? It is true that he belong to that secret society? Could be the case that Kerry did not care exctaly because he, like Bush, belong to the same secret society? I mean, these are questions that DESERV an answer...

Anyway, I really would like to express to you all my support. I mean, you were GREAT are YOU HAVE TO BE PROUD of what you have done. I've heard that you wrote a letter of apologies.....ehi Andrew! why????? ok...mybe you were a bit long in making the question...but do you really think that the reaction of the police was fine?? I mean, in the normal debate, or in the scientific metting, there is a "moderator" that give the possibility to the audience to make questions to the speaker. When the question made from someone of the audience is too long or there is some problem, the moderator can say somthing, or complain and ask to follow the rules but...everythings normally happen in a democratic context...What happened to you is something that normally happen in the not democratic society. I mena, what the police did to you it was a real fascist attact to you and more in general to the freadom to speah.
I really think that.

Andrew, PLEASE don't ask sorry for something for which you HAVE NOT to ask sorry...

last things: I'm Italian and I study in Germany (so my english is pretty poor), anyway I tryed to follow a bit in YouTube which was the reactions in the US television to what happen to you. I mean, I was so shocked for the way how the media treated your case! When I've seen all the stupid things the media said about you, completely forgetting about your important questions, I realized two things: 1) there is a fascist police devoted to repress with the brute force of the muscles any kind of protest 2) There is a fascist TV that complete the task of the police, but not with he power of the muscles, but fighthing with the words the brains of the people that see the TV. Its another kind of fascism, mybe even worst of the first one.

So, finally, really great, I'm really happy that in US there are guys as you.

Ciao, Luca