Friday, December 7, 2007

Hope for the Future - Ignore the media

When the Mainstream Media isn't lying to you, they are distracting you.
Bush is history - Focus on the Present, Elect a New President

By Andrew Meyer

Bush lied about Iran's nuclear ambitions! Shocking!

For once, the Mainstream Media isn't lying. Well, except for the New York Times. Even now, they subtly defend Bush's lies with unnamed sources in "credible" news stories.

Here is some of what the Times has reported (from US Surprisingly, the New York Times reports the International Atomic Energy Agency "on Tuesday publicly embraced the new American intelligence assessment stating that Iran had halted its nuclear weapons effort, but in truth the agency is taking a more cautious approach in drawing conclusions about Iran's nuclear program." A "senior official close to the agency" said, "To be frank, we are more skeptical. ... We don't buy the American analysis 100 percent. We are not that generous with Iran."

If Bush told us all the sky turns red when God is angry and we should fear attack from Angelo-Fascists, should God Himself appear before the people of Earth to tell us Bush is full of it, The New York Times would still find God's information inconclusive.

Important to keep in mind isn't that Bush lied, or that the New York Times is a rag, what's important is (as ALWAYS) the stories they aren't discussing.

We can drastically change the course of America and the world for the better in the upcoming months. The primaries for the next Presidential election begin in a little over a month! This, to me, is the most crucial story of all.

Bush has been lying for seven years. The New York Times (and CNN, and the Washington Post, and Fox News, etc., etc., ad nauseum) hasn't reported the truth while I've been alive, if they ever did.

Ignore them! Even when they aren't spreading nonsensical propaganda, they are distracting you from what you should be focusing on.

The Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007 (a.k.a. the criminalization of free speech) is still on the table in the Senate, and it still isn't being discussed anywhere in the mainstream media!

The solution to everything that ails us in this country - our imperialistic, aggressive ways abroad, our eroding civil liberties at home, the lack of care for ourselves and our fellow man - is on the table.

There are two Democrats and a Republican who have the will and the potential power to fix everything. Dennis Kucinich, Mike Gravel, and Ron Paul are all telling the truth. All of them would bring Peace, Prosperity, and Sanity to the American people.

Unfortunately, they aren't anywhere to be seen in the mainstream media polls showing who is "in the lead." What are we to do?

IGNORE THE POLLS! This is a perfect example of why you should stop listening to the oh-so-scientific numbers manufactured for TV. It's all a lie!

Ron Paul is going to dominate the New Hampshire primary. In fact, I will go so far as to say that barring any blatant and obvious cheating (which will be exposed and overturned), Paul is your Republican nominee. I have less sparkling predictions for the Democratic nom. Barack Obama has convinced millions of people he is a real progressive, and millions more are voting for Hillary becuase they liked Bill. So, I wish Kucinich and Gravel the best of luck, but I don't think they can win. Perhaps (and I wouldn't bet against it) one of them will be named Vice President on a winning non-partisan ticket with President Paul.

I would listen to Vegas before any TV pundit, and according to this article, Ron Paul is now favored over Mitt Romney to win. I'll take those odds.


Sisyphus39 said...

We have time in this ultra-long campaign for most candidates to shoot themselves down. They (all but the 3 you mentioned) will probably do that when the voting public wakes up to the fact that their policies, opinions, and statements change with every new breeze or revealed poll or specific audience.
If you want veracity and consistency, there’s no need to go beyond Dennis Kucinich who does what he says and has no need to explain away or justify his voting record. His philosophies and intentions have been evident from the very beginning: The people must be the power. He has been steadfast in this even through it brought him hard political times.
He goes out of his way to avoid speaking ill of other candidates. His only interest is his own candidacy; that is as it should be.
Dennis Kucinich hasn’t done anything to re-invent himself, whereas it is problematic that Ron Paul has done some re-inventing regarding his reputation for lack of support for women’s autonomy and for “those less fortunate.”
You wrote, “The solution to everything that ails us in this country - our imperialistic, aggressive ways abroad, our eroding civil liberties at home, the lack of care for ourselves and our fellow man - is on the table.” You nailed it and it is unfortunate that these ailments are not addressed by the miss-named “front-runners,” who avoid the subject, using those conditions as givens. Their starting point is to remain what we are with only minimal modifications.
It is said that the candidate with the least likely chance of winning is most free – and likely -- to tell the truth. Let us listen to the truth -- as if media gives it a chance to be heard! WE must be the media!
It is time to break the habit of voting for the lesser of two evils and insist on something besides evil from which to choose.
Seems I remember a young fellow who made attempts to bring this problem to the attention of the public – not an easy thing to do. But he made the best effort so far. His good deed did not go unpunished.

Anonymous said...

Hello, Andrew.

Very well written article you've got here.

just showing support.

Eric @ said...

You recommend ignoring the polls yet you poll yourself when you speak of laying odds for a winner. I will vote for whom I believe is the best person and let the chips fall. If everyone did that we'd win. In any case we will get the president we deserve. The Dems are already showing that middle of the road gets you nowhere. NOWHERE.